Case Study: School District of Ashland

Integrating Medicaid Billing and SPED Software

sped software

About Ashland

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That are Medicaid Eligible with a Billable ServiceBillable Service A health-related service provided to a Medicaid-eligible student that qualifies for reimbursement under Medicaid guidelines. Examples include therapy, nursing services, and certain assessments.


The School District of Ashland, located by Lake Superior, aims to showcase the best of Wisconsin. The vision of the school district is to inspire and engage, each individual student, every day.

Administration, teachers, and staff all work hard to make this vision a reality. They provide a high quality education and innovative learning environment that encourages student success. Additionally, Ashland teachers strive to meet the learning needs of all children including students with disabilities.


To achieve the district’s student goals, Ashland staff had to fill out IEP forms and handle student data. They also ensured compliance by reviewing student files. However, a slow and complex Special EducationSpecial Education Instruction designed to meet the unique needs of a student with a disability, provided at no cost to parents, including specially designed instruction and related services. software increasingly hindered that process.

The previous outdated system made it harder for staff to manage caseloads. At the time, support issues frequently went unanswered. This prompted Ashland to seek an alternative SPED software solution and improve their process. 

"There is a continuous learning curve when it comes to the IEP process, compliance, and form completion. So sometimes my coworkers and I needed support to answer a question or resolve a ticket we had open, but the turn-around time with our previous IEP software was really weighing us down. It made a time-consuming job even more complicated."

Pain Points

Lack of customer support

Slow and complicated system 

Increased staff time spent managing caseloads, writing IEPs, and monitoring student progress

The Solution

Ashland resolved their pain points by switching to Go Solutions’ SPED software GoIDEA. Already successfully leveraging Go Solutions’ Medicaid billing service, GoClaim, the GoIDEA product was able to integrate seamlessly. It formed a total user-friendly and efficient Medicaid and Special Education solution.


Responsive customer support

“The customer service for both Go Solutions and GoIDEA is so smooth. The support is consistent and quick in answering my questions. Whenever I submit a support ticket, the staff responds quickly with very thorough answers."

One total solution to help save time

"The Go Solutions and GoIDEA products are quick to learn and easy-to-use. They’re integrated with a single sign-on, that’s been a huge time-saver. Go Solutions’ streamlined billing process is a real time saver, too."

Clear and easy state and federal compliance

"Using the system has been easy for all our staff. The software checks our IEP forms for us and shows us the errors. And it’s great being able to login, immediately see the dashboard, and have all the information we need at our fingertips.”

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